What Those Stars Mean to Authors (Or when should I give 5 stars)

Reviews: What Those Stars Mean to Authors (or When Should I Give 5 Stars)

As an author, I occasionally read the reviews of my books on Amazon, and sometimes this is a torturous event. Here’s the scoop on what those stars really mean to authors.

Romance without erotica

Romance Without Erotica

Can novels be romantic without containing erotica? I was on a writing panel to discuss this issue.

Adding the Start Tag in a Mobi (Kindle) File Using Calibre

Adding the Start Tag in a Mobi (Kindle) File Using Calibre

Can’t get your calibre-formatted mobi file to open on Chapter One? Here’s the secret to getting that Kindle ebook to open right where you want it to.

Making Imaginary Characters Real

Making Imaginary Characters Real

Get to know your character! One of the things I’m often asked to speak about is how to create realistic characters. Here are some tips I’ve learned over twenty years.

Backstory: How Not to Tell Too Much

Backstory: How Not to Tell Too Much

Don’t kill your book’s chances by including too much backstory. These tips will save time and help you create a better novel.

Writing a Compelling First Person POV

Writing a Compelling First Person POV

Many people assume writing a first person POV is easy, but here are some things you’ll need to watch for.